本招标项目“吉林农业科技-888集团电子游戏官网欢迎您长白山珍稀植物组织培养实训基地建设”已由吉林省财政厅政府采购管理处批准采购,资金来源为公共财政预算资金,招标人为吉林农业科技-888集团电子游戏官网欢迎您。招标代理机构为中招辰丰达招标-888集团电子游戏官网欢迎您·正版App Store。项目已具备招标条件,现对该项目进行国际招标。诚邀合格投标人前来投标。
采购内容 |
数量 |
采购预算(万元) |
吉林农业科技-888集团电子游戏官网欢迎您长白山珍稀植物组织培养实训基地建设 |
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453 |
具体货物名称、数量:详见第八章“货物需求一览表” |
3.1 投标人是响应招标、已在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件并参加投标竞争的法人或其他组织。任何未在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投标。
3.2 除非另有规定,凡是来自中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区(以下简称“合格来源国/地区”)的法人或其他组织均可投标。
3.3 与招标人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人或其他组织不得参加投标。
3.4 接受委托参与项目前期咨询和招标文件编制的法人或其他组织不得参加受托项目的投标,也不得为该项目的投标人编制投标文件或者提供咨询。
3.5 单位法人、负责人、股东为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一招标项目包投标,共同组成联合体投标的除外。
3.6 本项目不接受联合体投标。
3.7 只有在法律上和财务上独立、合法运作并独立于招标人和招标机构的供货人才能参加投标。
3.8 投标人应通过招标机构购买招标文件并填写“购买招标文件登记表”,同时应按规定于投标前在必联网(http://www.ebnew.com)或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(http://www.chinabidding.com)完成注册及信息核验。是否注册成功可与中招辰丰达招标-888集团电子游戏官网欢迎您·正版App Store联系查询,未注册成功的投标人将不能进入招标程序,由此产生的后果由其自行承担。
3.10 投标人不能列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单,依据财库【2016】125号,通过“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)和中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)渠道查询相关信用记录的网站截图证明,查询截止时间为开标当日16:00前。
3.11 拒绝列入政府取消投标资格记录期间的企业或个人投标。
3.12 与采购人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人、其他组织或者个人、单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加投标。违反这两款规定的,相关投标均无效。
3.13 招标投标活动中的每个环节,被授权人必须出示身份证原件,且整个招标投标过程不得更换被授权人。
3.14 国产装备由制造商或制造商直接授权代理商投标,进口装备由制造商或制造商直接授权代理商投标,本项目允许进口产品投标。
3.15 法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。
4.1 营业执照副本、税务登记证副本、组织机构代码证副本(或五证合一营业执照);
4.2 《单位负责人证明书》(附单位负责人身份证)或单位负责人授权委托书(授权代表身份证)
4.3 具有履行合同所必需的设备和专业技术能力的证明材料(可以提供同类业绩合同、产品生产制造设备及生产能力等相关证明材料);
4.4 参加政府采购活动前3年内在经营活动中没有重大违法记录的书面声明(格式自拟);
4.5 提供近三年(2018年-2020年)经会计师事务所或审计机构出具的财务审计报告。(若投标人为2018年以后注册成立的公司,即需提供从成立日期起的财务审计报告;若投标人为2021年以后注册成立的公司,即需提供一份银行资信证明)。
5、投标截止时间及送至地点:所有投标书应于2022年3月3日北京时间13:30分之前递交,超过该时间的投标将被拒绝;送至地点为:中招辰丰达招标-888集团电子游戏官网欢迎您·正版App Store(长春市高新区学海街781号长春吉大科技园高科技产业孵化大厦15楼会议室)。
6、开标时间及地点:兹定于2022年3月3日北京时间13:30分进行公开开标。届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式;开标点为:中招辰丰达招标-888集团电子游戏官网欢迎您·正版App Store(长春市高新区学海街781号长春吉大科技园高科技产业孵化大厦15楼会议室)。
7、 招标公告和中标结果公示发布媒介:中国国际招标网、中国招标投标公共服务平台、中国政府采购网和中国财经报网。
招标代理机构名称:中招辰丰达招标-888集团电子游戏官网欢迎您·正版App Store
联 系 人:张悦、兰亚珍、韩改红、李新民
电 话:13331616532
Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College changbai Mountain rare plant tissue training base construction
International Tender Notice
I. Bidding conditions
The bidding project "Construction of Changbai Mountain Rare Plant Tissue Cultivation And Practical Training Base of Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University" has been approved by the Government Procurement Management Department of Jilin Provincial Finance Department. The capital source is public finance budget fund, and the bidder is Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University. The bidding agency is Zhongzhaochen Fengda Bidding Co., LTD. The project has met the bidding conditions, now the project for international bidding. Qualified bidders are cordially invited to bid.
Ⅱ. Bidding contents
1. Project Name: Construction of Rare Plant Tissue Culture Training Base of Changbai Mountain, Jilin University of Agricultural Science and Technology
2. Tender No. :1859-224CFD202201
3. Source of funds: budget funds of public finance
4. Procurement contents and subcontracting:
Purchasing content |
The number of |
Procurement Budget (Ten thousand yuan) |
Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College changbai Mountain rare plant tissue training base construction |
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453 |
Specific name and quantity of goods: see Chapter 8 "List of Goods Requirements" for details. |
5. Delivery period: domestic equipment within 1 month, imported equipment within 3 months and qualified acceptance.
6. Quality standard: meet the industry standard.
Ⅲ、Bidder qualification Requirements
3.1 The bidder refers to the legal person or other organization that responds to the bid invitation, has purchased the bidding documents from the tenderer or the tendering institution and participates in the bidding competition. Any legal person or other organization that has not purchased the bidding documents from the tenderer or the tendering agency shall not participate in the bidding.
3.2 Unless otherwise specified, all legal persons or other organizations from the People's Republic of China or countries or regions having normal trade relations with the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "qualified source countries/regions") may submit bids.
3.3 Legal persons or other organizations that have interests with the tenderee and may affect the fairness of the bidding shall not participate in the bidding.
3.4 The legal person or other organization entrusted to participate in the pre-project consultation and preparation of bidding documents shall not participate in the bidding of the entrusted project, nor shall it prepare bidding documents or provide consultation for the bidder of the project.
3.5 The legal person, responsible person and shareholder of the unit or the different units with holding or management relationship shall not participate in the bidding of the same project package, except for the joint bid forming a consortium.
3.6 Consortium bids are not accepted for the project.
3.7 Only suppliers who are legally and financially independent, operate legally and are independent of the tenderer and tendering agency can participate in the bidding.
3.8 The bidder shall purchase the bidding documents through the tendering agency and fill in the "Registration Form for Purchase of Bidding Documents". At the same time should be in accordance with the provisions, prior to the bid shall be connected to the Internet (http://www.ebnew.com) or tendering and bidding of mechanical and electronic products electronic trading platform (http://www.chinabidding.com) to complete the registration and information check. Please contact Zhongzhaochen Fengda Tendering Co., LTD to check whether the registration is successful. Bidders who fail to register will not be allowed to enter the bidding process, and the consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by themselves.
3.9 The bidder shall meet the following conditions stipulated in Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law:
(1) having the ability to independently bear civil liability;
(2) it shall have a good business reputation and a sound financial and accounting system; (Provide financial audit reports issued by accounting firms or audit institutions in recent three years (2018-2020) (If the bidder is a company incorporated after 2018, it shall provide financial audit reports from the date of establishment; If the bidder is a company incorporated after 2021, a bank credit certificate is required);
(3) having the equipment and professional technical capacity necessary for the performance of the contract; (Can provide similar performance contract, product manufacturing equipment and production capacity and other relevant certification materials);
(4) having a good record of paying taxes and social security funds according to law; (provide proof of any two months of the recent half year);
(5) a written statement that it has no record of major violation of laws in its business activities within three years prior to its participation in government procurement activities;
(6) Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.
3.10 The bidder shall not be included in the list of persons subject to enforcement for trust-breaking, the list of parties involved in major tax violation cases, and the list of records of serious trust-breaking behaviors in government procurement. According to No.125 of Treasury [2016], As evidenced by the screenshots of the website of "Credit China" website (www.creditchina.gov.cn) and China Government Procurement website (www.ccgp.gov.cn), the deadline for inquiry is before 16:00 on the day of bid opening.
3.11 Reject bids of enterprises or individuals that are included in the record period of government's disqualification from bidding.
3.12 Legal persons, other organizations, individuals or units that have interests with the purchaser and may affect the fairness of the bidding shall not participate in the bidding if the person in charge is the same or different units that have holding or management relationships. Any bid in violation of the provisions of these two paragraphs shall be invalid.
3.13 In every link of bidding and bidding activities, the authorized person must present the original ID card, and the authorized person shall not be replaced throughout the bidding and bidding process.
3.14 Domestic equipment shall be bid by the manufacturer or directly authorized agent of the manufacturer, imported equipment shall be bid by the manufacturer or directly authorized agent of the manufacturer, and imported products are allowed to bid for this project.
3.15 Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.
4. Time of obtaining bidding documents: From February 11, 2022 to February 18, 2022 (except statutory holidays); The place to obtain the bidding documents is: The Bidding Department, 24th floor, Da Tong Building, 98 Shenzhen Street, Jilin City; The price of bidding documents is RMB 2000 yuan per set. They will not be sold after expiration and will not be returned after sale. Those who intend to participate in the bidding should bring the following materials:
4.1 Copy of business license, copy of tax registration certificate, copy of organization code certificate (or business license combined with five certificates);
4.2 Certificate of the person in charge (with id card of the person in charge) or power of attorney of the person in charge (ID card of the authorized representative);
4.3 Proof materials of equipment and professional technical ability necessary for the performance of the contract (such proof materials as similar performance contracts, production equipment and production capacity can be provided);
4.4 Written statement of no major illegal record in business activities within 3 years prior to participating in government procurement activities (format prepared by oneself);
4.5 Provide financial audit reports issued by accounting firms or audit institutions in recent three years (2018-2020). (If the bidder is a company incorporated after 2018, the financial audit report from the date of establishment shall be provided; If the bidder is a company incorporated after 2021, a bank credit certificate will be required.
4.6 Provide relevant materials of tax payment and social security funds in any month in recent half a year;
5. Deadline and place of submission: All bids should be submitted by 13:30 PM Beijing time on March 3, 2022. Bids after this time will be rejected. Send to: Zhongzhaochen Fengda Tendering Co., LTD. (meeting room, 15th Floor, High-tech Industry Incubation Building, Changchun Jida Science Park, No. 781 xuehai Street, High-tech Zone, Changchun).
6. Time and Place of bid Opening: The public bid opening is scheduled for 13:30 Beijing time on March 3, 2022. Bidders are invited to attend the bid opening ceremony. (Meeting room, 15th Floor, High-tech Industry Incubation Building, Changchun Jida Science Park, No. 781, Xuehai Street, High-tech Zone, Changchun).
7. Media for bidding announcement and bid-winning result announcement: Www.chinabidding.com, China Public Service Platform for Bidding and Tendering, Www.chinabidding.com and Www.chinabing.com.
Name of tendering agency: Zhongzhaochen Fengda Tendering Co., LTD
Place of bid negotiation: Da Tong Building, No.98 shenzhen Street, Jilin City
Contact: Zhang Yue, LAN Yazhen, Han Gaihong, Li Xinmin
Telephone: 13331616532